Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Database Milestone...

On entering records into the database tonight, it passed yet another milestone - 160,000 sightings of marked birds! This makes it one of the larger databases involving a single species. Many thanks to each of the 1,036 observers who have contributed to my repetitive strain injury!!

Apologies to all of you currently awaiting feedback on records. This has largely been due to the intensive ring-reading effort going on at Strangford Lough by Alex Portig and myself, whilst the big numbers are present (photos show the scene at a small section, a few days ago, and the influence of a rapidly incoming tide!!). On several individual days recently, between us we have added around 250 records, helped by the unusually clement weather in recent weeks, which now appears to be ending.... I am currently nearly a month behind, but will be trying to catch up - please bear with me.


  1. All support from us who read further to the south, Graham, the number of Strangford+Killough+Dundrum readings should preferably be 6500 per annum, and 7000 if you can make it. I will gladly suffer all delay in your reporting back if you can make it!

  2. I just got a warning about the malware "BrowserModifier:Win32/Diplugem". Does it attach itself to Mozilla when i open the blogspot? It could be a little vulnerable.

  3. Really brilliant Graham. Having just dropboxed the DB the other week I saw how tantalisingly close you were at that point to this milestone! Brilliant!!
