Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Autumn 2012 International Brent Goose Census

Since 1997 we have been organising an international census of Brent along this flyway, timing of which is generally coincident with the October peak at Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. Over the weekend of 28th - 30th September 2012 many people from as far apart as western Iceland and northern France will be trying to get a handle on how many Brent there are at each location and how many young are present in the flocks. The latter is of course an indication of how successful a breeding season the 2012 one was in the High Arctic breeding grounds.

Our 2012 census date has been brought forward given the unprecedented early influx into Ireland as mentioned in previous posts. So early that birds have already left Strangford for sites in Dublin, Kerry and elsewhere.

Feel free to post your observations on this blog - we want to know how many Brent you say, when and where over the count weekend (or as close as possible to that date). If you can please also record the number of young and adults in the flock (or proportion of) and if possible the size of individual family units (e.g. 2 ads + 3 young, 2 ads + 4 young etc).
When our results are compiled we will bring you the total counts from along the flyway.


  1. Grand job. I'll be down at Kilcoole tomorrow so will have at gawk at whatever birds are in already. Should be down around Wexford at the weekend also.

  2. Checked out Kilcoole on Thurs, Sat & Sunday. Was also down at Tacumshin & the Wexford Wildfowl Reserve on Sunday.

    Totals as unringed adult LBBrent Goose at Kilcoole on Sunday (30th Sept)!!!

  3. Every little helps!! Thanks Niall!
